“Build a garden for Me to dwell in…”

These are the word that Brandon heard in his spirit at a conference in Dallas in late 2019. “Build a garden for Me to dwell in, and for a My People to dwell with me.” God’s heart has always been to have a home here on earth. Yes, it was ultimately manifest in the person of Jesus. And yes, through his death and resurrection, He now has made a home in those who believe. But also, throughout the Bible and thoughout History, there have been locations where the Presence of God has dwelt in a tangible and incredible manner. Jacob called it Beth-el. David called it a “resting place.” The Celts called them “thin places.” We will call it: Garden City.

But the story started years before in 2010, when Brandon felt strongly called to a certain people group in Asia. This led Brandon on a journey to follow after God’s call to pray for and serve these people, even though the road looked seemingly circuitous. Through Mongolia, Japan, Indonesia, and other Asian Countries, Brandon held to this promise to believe for a move of the Spirit amongst these unreached peoples.

As God likes to weave stories, in 2017 Brandon was invited to a small gathering in Vancouver, British Columbia, to meet with people who were passionate about reaching these same unreached peoples that God put on His heart in 2010. But while he was there, he realized that the story he was being invited into may be bigger than He thought. A bible translator for the Unreached People group said, “Brandon, you could potentially accomplish everything that’s on your heart from Vancouver, maybe even better.” A broader story had begun: God’s heart for every tribe and tongue, especially those across Asia, represented in Vancouver and through Vancouver.

Funny enough, Brandon and Gabby crossed paths for the first time in Indonesia, but thought nothing of it. Later, as they were in prayer ministries together, God began speaking to Gabby about Vancouver, without knowing what God was speaking to Brandon. In 2019, God gave Gabby a dream in which she saw Brandon, Jesus, and a door. In the dream Brandon said “Come with me to Vancouver.” She looked to Jesus for permission, and He gave her the nod to go through door and said, “You can come to my garden in Vancouver.” She peered into the door, and, to her surprise, it was not a metropolitan city, but a flourishing garden!

4 years later, in March of 2023, these two “just friends” eventually got married, and committed their lives to obeying the call of God: both to the unreached peoples that God spoke in 2010, and the call to plant a Garden for the Lord in Vancouver, B.C.

Brandon and Gabby, along with a team, now plan to launch a city-wide Prayer Room in Vancouver in October of 2025 called Garden City. The Vision is to invite the broader Church of Vancouver to “Minister to Jesus. Wash the feet of the Church in Vancouver. And to Pray for the Nations.”

Will you join us in the mission to reach every tribe and tongue in Vancouver and through Vancouver?